I am a first-year CS Ph.D. student at Washington University in St. Louis. Prior to this, I worked as a research assistant at Shanghai Qizhi institute, where I am fortunate to work with Prof. Huazhe Xu at Tsinghua University. I also did my research internship for four months at Westlake University. Previously, I graduated from Southwest Jiaotong University, where I fortunately worked with Prof. Peng Guo at SWJTU and Prof. Yi Wang at Auburn University.
[1] Visual quadrupedal loco-Manipulation
[2] Finetune with safety consideration
[3] Finetune for fast adaptation
Research interest
I am interested in research on the sample efficiency and adaptation capabilities of deep reinforcement learning algorithms and agents.
My research objective is to create reliable, robust, and efficient algorithms to tackle a diverse range of sequential decision-making problems in real-world scenarios.
I am currently focused on the post-training of robotics (foundation) models to enhance specific objectives such as task acceleration, precision, adaptation [3⬆️], and/with safety considerations [2⬆️].
Previously, I conducted research on neural solvers for combinatorial optimization problems, i.e., in the field of AI for Operations Research. These neural agents have the potential to solve NP-hard problems with linear time complexity, see Zhihu.
Publications and preprints (Offline & online RL algorithms and robotics)
Papers sorted by recency, * indicates equal contribution.
Kun Lei, Zhengmao He*, Chenhao Lu*, Kaizhe Hu, Yang Gao, Huazhe Xu.
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024
with a nice rating 6688 / project page / arXiv / code / twitter
Kun Lei*, Zifeng Zhuang*, Jinxin Liu, Donglin Wang, Yilang Guo.
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2023
paper / arXiv / code
Publications and preprints (RL for Operations Research)
Papers sorted by recency.
Kun Lei, Peng Guo, Wenchao Zhao, Yi Wang, Linmao Qian, Xiangyin Meng.
Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA, IF: 7.5), 2022
paper / code / covered by 运筹OR帷幄、智能制造与智能调度、PaperWeekly
Kun Lei, Peng Guo, Yi Wang, Jian Zhang, Xiangyin Meng, Linmao Qian.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII, IF: 11.7) , 2023
Kun Lei, Peng Guo, Yi Wang, Xiao Wu, Wenchao Zhao.
Neurocomputing, IF: 5.5, 2022
paper / code / covered by 运筹OR帷幄、PaperWeekly
Misc. open-source projects
Public code release for "A Multi-action Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Flexible Job-shop Scheduling Problem", Sep 2022
Public code release for "Solve routing problems with a residual edge-graph attention neural network" June 2022
Coed for dispatching rules for flexible job-shop scheduling problems", Sep 2022
The public benchmark instances of flexible job shop scheduling problem, Feb 2022
Coed for solving MIP model using Gurobi", Feb 2022
I am from Si Chuan, China. My name in chinese is 雷坤. I used to live in the charming cities of Chengdu and Hangzhou in China. Currently, I live in the vibrant city of Shanghai (as depicted in the background picture).